Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sad addition

July 13th of this month was a sad day for the Patty family. Our cat of 16 years passed away while I was at church. My husband had stayed home for Sunday School but was meeting me for the 11:00 service. He didn't tell me at church what had happened. Before he got in the shower Frosty had let out a funny meow. Something was different about it he thought. He got in the shower. During this time my daughter & her husband had come in from their church service. They found Frosty on the office floor in his favorite spot. He had passed away. When we got home from church my husband sat me down on the couch & told me. I was devastated to say the least. My cat was gone & I was not here. They had moved him to our laundry room after they had found him. I built up the courage & went to be with him. After awhile of saying my goodbye's I had to decide what we would do with him. If anyone has had a pet pass away that was part of your family you know what I am talking about. Well the land is still a good part of our lives & so we decided to bury Frosty where we will be making our home soon I hope. My husband went out & bought a plastic tub for him. He went to the garden section & found a beautiful cross we could use as a marker. While he was gone I found Frosty's collar, his favorite afghan he lay on, 7 little treats in a baggie & a poster in a bottle to mark who is buried. I know it is silly a couple of the things but you have to understand this was a part of our family for a long time. Well our afternoon was spent for a burial. We buried him down by the lake by what will be the boys play area. I will be able to see the grave from our future deck. I hope to build a small pergola by the area.
Even after a week & a half later I still miss him so very much.
I still feel his presence here everywhere.
I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye.
I hear him in another room.
Time will pass. Wounds will heal. I hope!

Frosty on his favorite afghan on the couch.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Bless your heart sweetie, sorry for your loss. Pets are so precious.